Thursday, July 24, 2014

I've Moved!

Come check me out at our new blog:
Love ya!

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Life is Crazy Fun

I have the world's hardest job you guys! And it's also one of the greatest jobs. I basically get paid to hike around. And do other stuff as well. Like today a homeless guy pulled a knife on me and started waving it around. Cool, right? Yea. It was pretty sketchy. He was crazy! Don't worry, he was only trying to sell me the knife. It was a really really big knife though. And I'm pretty sure he was on drugs. I've cleaned up so many homeless camps. Those poor hobos. I'm getting stronger and less tired which is really good. And I work with really interesting people, but they are nice and I like them-I think.
On another note, I am now 21!! I feel so old and yet not that old. I don't feel 21. It's interesting.
I got my practicum placement. I will be at DCFS in Ogden. I am so so so excited. It's going to be a great year.
Nate and I found an apartment. It is super weird to think that we will be living together in just less than two months, but so wonderful! I can't wait to marry that handsome boy!
I am working hard. Surviving. Having fun. And kissing lots. (Shhhh...don't tell.)

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

I found it!

My favorite movie in the entire world has been missing for almost two maybe three months now. I seriously cried when I could not find it. I don't even know how it went missing I watch it like twice a week at least. It's Princess Bride in case you didn't know. Anywho, I'm in the process of moving right now, I found it under a textbook. Shows you how often I study! It was actually a textbook from a few semesters ago, I'm not that bad. I was so happy! And then I had to pack it up. But it just made my day all better. I love that movie so much! I could probably quote from beginning to end, and I would do it too, just to annoy you.

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

A New Job & A Full Bladder

I'm horrible at posting you guys! But I just have this really super cute distraction in my life who makes it impossible to stay on task. Anywho, I got a new job! I will be working at Salt Lake Parks and Rec, of course this means moving home a month earlier than planned, which Nate is very excited about. It's been crazy and very fast moving. I'm also incredibly terrified that my job will be physically too hard, I will exhaust myself, pass out on the trail, all alone, and a bear will come and eat my entrails. Okay maybe that last part was an exaggeration but it could happen.
I had to recently get a drug test for my new job. If you know me you know that I pee A LOT. All the time. I have the worlds smallest bladder. Well, apparently this bladder has performance anxiety as well  because for the life of me I could not muster anything out. So...they sat me in front of a water cooler and told me to keep drinking until I had to go. After an hour I was feeling a little like I maybe could go now so I told the nurse who then made me wait another half hour. I had just drank a GALLON of water. By the end of that half hour I felt as though Niagara Falls was going to come rushing out of me at any second. If they didn't give me that cup soon they would have been scooping my pee up off the floor because I really really had to go. And then I really really had to go for the rest of the day. I think my record was five times in one hour. And it wasn't like a little bit. Don't ever do that. Ever. And as I've now realized I've offered way more information than anyone ever wanted to know about me I will be signing off. Sorry.

Saturday, March 15, 2014

My Fiance is Hotter than Your Fiance

This week we went and did our engagement pictures. I was feeling terrible about them because I didn't feel good at all that day. It was due in part to my having seen a particular doctor that day (the incredibly awkward one no one likes to talk about). Anywho, I felt like a whale was trying to chew it's way out of my abdomen. It was uncomfortable. Therefore you can't judge me when I say I thought we were going to have the ugliest pictures ever. Guess what?!?! They're adorable. We're the hottest couple I know. And I don't even care that I'm being vain by saying that. I'll post some pictures eventually when we get them all beautified. Psh, as if you could even begin to make us more adorable!

Friday, February 28, 2014

Valentine's Day, My Cute FIANCE, and the Shiny Ring on My Finger!

So, I GOT ENGAGED OVER VALENTINE'S DAY! Yep, there is a shiny ring on my finger, a cute boy on my arm (on the weekends) and I'm so happy! We are getting married June 14 and I'm so in love it's disgusting. Also, I forget to post because my life is so exciting right now, which is kind of nice for a change. I'm really really happy you guys and just wanted you to know because I know that your every desire revolves around me, clearly. Stay tuned for exciting issues of What's New in Felicia's Life. If I actually remember to post about it...

Friday, February 7, 2014

Will I Ever Be Warm Again?

It has been snowing for soooo long like a whole three days without stopping. Okay, there's been a little bit of stopping but mostly no stopping. Lots and lots of snowing. It's horrible. I've found a new way to cope with having to scrape my car off, besides the wonderful face I make while doing it, I sing "Count Your Blessings". It's the only way to be okay with the horribleness of the snow. I realized as I was scraping my car off this morning that maybe the snow is someone else's blessing, and who am I to be grumpy about someone else receiving blessings? So, while I hate the snow I will try to be less grumpy about it and keep a smile on my face, well a semi-smile, well maybe I will just not make faces as often as usual.

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Long Known Strangers

A few years ago I did something I wasn't sure I was capable of doing. I forgave. It took me a long time to even acknowledge that I was angry at my dad. I shrugged the feelings I had towards him off and just told myself that there were other reasons I didn't want to be a part of his life. But the truth was I was mad at him and I blamed him for a lot of the things that went wrong in my life. The hardest people to forgive are the people you love the most. But hate only hurts one person and that person is you. Letting go of that hate was the hardest most rewarding thing I ever did. Well, a few weeks ago I put that forgiveness to the test and I went to see my dad for the first time in five and a half years. I knew that it was going to be a difficult experience but what I found was different than what I expected. The man that sat in front of me (or I saw, it's a computer screen, kind of like skype) was a total stranger. I no longer knew this person. I had built up all of the wonderful memories that I had of him and forgotten all of the bad ones but the person I saw wasn't any of those memories. He was a decrepit shell of what once was. The mistakes he had made and the path he chose led him to a place in life where everything he loved was completely inaccessible to him. What kind of life was it to live and never see anyone you love? I know I will never make the same mistakes as my father and I know I will never end up in the same position as him but having his example has taught me great gratitude for the knowledge that I have to make decisions that progress me towards a happier life not stall me in the present.

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Two Thousand and Fourteen

Goodness I've been bad at this blogging thing lately. I'm sorry! Life has been incredibly crazy. Christmas break was amazing! I loved spending time with my family and my cute boyfriend. It was a great break.
School right now is insane. My classes aren't actually that hard and I'm only taking twelve credits this semester so you would think that I would be fine. However, this semester I am applying for practicum and that is stressful. It's a lengthy process and slightly competitive. I am not excited about it. It also makes it very real that I am a grown up and now I have to make grown up adult decisions that will affect me for pretty much the rest of forever.
Speaking of forever! I am getting married my friends! Please feel free to squeal right here. I don't have  a ring yet but we're pretty much engaged. And I'm pretty much completely and totally in love. June 14. In case you were interested in knowing when. And I have a dress already. And June can't come fast enough! It's taking soooo long.
Things right now are so crazy and so amazing. I am very happy where I am even if it does bring it's own challenges and stress. This year is going to be amazing and I am very excited for the time I get to be a better me and to learn all of these new things about life and myself and to grow in ways I've never thought or been able to. Life is weird, weirdly wonderful!

Friday, December 20, 2013

Christmas Time is Here!

I love Christmas. I've loved Christmas since I was a little girl. I remember my dad loving Christmas. Every Christmas eve we would read the story of Christ's birth before going to bed early so Santa could come then on Christmas morning we would all sit by the door waiting for mom to get up while dad made biscuits and gravy for breakfast. Christmas music always played and the house always smelled like pumpkin pie. But my mom and dad divorced years ago and Christmas hasn't been like that for me since I was twelve. I have always been sad about that. But I discovered this year that all those good memories that I have of Christmas are memories that I can carry with me and even carry on to my own family. I do love Christmas. And what is more important than the music and the smells or even the stories are what Christmas means and what we truly celebrate. Christ was born to save us all and Christmas is a time to spend together as a family to utilize the sacrifice he made and to celebrate and give thanks. I am so happy for the wonderful life I have, the wonderful memories of past, and the wonderful future I am so excited for.